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woensdag 26 juni 2013


Dear teh meEZ,

I am not quite sure when you read this; maybe we are already together when you do.
I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you traveling all the way here to see me and meet my family and friends. I am overexcited and cannot believe this is really happening.
Just one night of sleep and one more day of work, and I am gonna see you and touch you…
It is simply priceless!


dinsdag 25 juni 2013

Donating Stuff

Dear teh meez
I know how limited is your access to the internet these days, but nevertheless I am updating; hoping that you get to read it.
 Last night I went shopping and bought 3 new shirts that I can wear at work.  Even though I have a lot of cloths, I don’t wear many of them anymore. 4-5 years ago I used to shop a lot, but you know how one’s taste might change with time. So I don’t even like some of them anymore! I have already donated many pieces of clothing and pairs of shoes and intend to go on with it.
I was thinking, one good plan of ours could be to check our belongings every 3 months, and if there is stuff we have not used for one season or more just donate them. I believe not using something in its season means “I am over it!”

This way we would:
1-      Recycle,
2-      Help those in need,
3-      Have better organized closets and storages.

The giveaway habit can of course include furniture, accessories, dishes, etc. :)

zondag 16 juni 2013

Our Little Herb Garden

Dear teh  meEz,

One thing I really would love us to have in our future home is a small herb garden. We could grow Cherry tomatoes, and herbs such as Coriander, Parsley and Basil. If it is successful we can go on with other things.

What I imagine as our herb garden looks like this picture (which I found in Google images):

Or this one:

I think it is awesome to have our own fresh herbs added to daily meals. ^_^


woensdag 12 juni 2013

Nana's First Post

Dear teh  meEz,

So this is my first post in Dare to Dream.

Whenever I feel tired or sad I start day dreaming about our future life, our future home and I kinda already know how it looks like. 
I dream of you every night these days, and I feel fresh when I get up. In my dreams we simply “live” together. There is nothing extraordinary about them for an outsider, but they still manage to keep me going.

I am soon gonna write about one of my suggestions for our future house. ;)


zondag 9 juni 2013

DIY Cat Projects

We are going to make a kick ass cat tree! And also an "invisible" litterbox by integrating it into some other piece of furniture. I gathered some pictures from Instructables and Pinterest.

Moving from Den Hugz... and back!

Moving stuff out of Den Hugz
Our dream in a box... waiting to get out and shine!

We will be back! And get a 2p apartment and then teh MeeEzz will fly to Persia on a flying carpet to collect the love of his life!

donderdag 6 juni 2013

The Ultimate List for Inspiration

Dear Nana,

This is the list of things we made earlier. We can use it to write a blogpost about every individual topic and add some links and pictures.

Kisses, teh Meez

1- Petz: a Fluffball and if situation permits a *HUGZY*
2- Huge Self Made Cat Climbing Tree
3- Cozy interior
4- Warm colours
5- A small dish washer (if not included in the kitchen)
6- A hand mixer
7- Baking a bread/cake one every 1 or 2 week.
8- Donating all the cloths and shoes and house supplies that we don't really use, both for recycling and making use of the (still) good things.
9- By starting a weblog or contributing to a forum, we can talk about our long distance experience, all the feelings and possible solutions just to help people who are then in the same situation.
10- We'll buy just a few big towels which we will re use a number of times for after showering, and some small ones for guests for single use.
11- Solar panels and a system to use rain water for flushing the toilets.
12- Id like to separate all our waste to reduce it almost to zero. All our veggy waste goes in a composter in the yard, metal, glas, paper and plastic are separated too. Only one  very small bag of waste per week is left.
13- We organize recycle parties, which is just a drink with friends who will bring all the stuff they dont want anymore but which is a waste to throw out and not worth to sell anymore. We'll give the stuff to each other whoever wants it.
14- Insulation: If it is winter we wear warm clothes inside, thermo underclothes  and body warmers if neccesary.  The thermostat goes to 18 degrees, every extra degree is relatively very much more energy inefficient.
15- if we are still cold we should do some excercise, I would love a tredmill or a spinning machine.
16- we should get a fresh fruit juice pressing machine.
17- we should paint one room in the Gustav Klimt style since we both love his work!
18. Ordering a big print of  "the embrace" which is both of our cover photos in fb now and put it on the wall above our bed.
19. Buying more board games and throw game nights every now and then.
20. Go for last minute trips to any destination instead of spending our holidays in NL and using our free time to see new places.
21.Have a date night every week, like going to a bar, restaurant or even spending a night in a hotel, just to add more spice.
22. Create a "Magic Room" with things that make us feel good. We can put in there: exhibition of dinosaurs, paintings on the wall, paint the walls ourselves, a princess dress for you, we will put every crazy thing we want there!

Pet, Post I

Dear Nana,

I would love a big fat Tomcat who is fluffy and likes to cuddle. I like Margé. He is on this website.


Teh MeeZ

First Post!

Helloes Nana,

This is the first post on our blog! We can blog about all the things we will do together in the future! Especially our new home! But also travel, food, lifestyle, etcetera. 

The blog is just for us but if we don't post too personal stuff we can also show it off to close friends and family.

Kisses, teh Meez